Crown Lengthening is a surgical procedure performed to make the teeth appear longer or more visible. In this procedure, the gum tissue and, in some cases, the surrounding bone tissue are reduced to make the crown portion of the tooth appear longer. It can be done for aesthetic purposes when the gums appear too prominent or the teeth appear short, and for functional purposes when there isn’t enough tooth structure due to decay, fillings, or restorations.

The crown length refers to the visible part of the tooth, the portion above the gum line.

Situations Where Crown Lengthening is Needed

  • Aesthetic reasons: It can be performed to improve the smile’s appearance, especially in cases where the teeth appear short or the gums are overly visible (gummy smile). Excessive visibility of the gums can make the teeth appear shorter. Crown lengthening can correct this appearance by reducing the amount of visible gum.
  • Functional reasons: In cases where the tooth is damaged or decayed below the gum line, crown lengthening allows for fillings or restorations to be applied. It can also be performed when there isn’t enough tooth structure to support a restoration, allowing for a more successful treatment.

Crown Lengthening Treatment Procedure

Before the procedure, clinical examination and imaging are conducted to evaluate the tooth, gum health, and the teeth requiring restoration.

The treatment is performed under local anesthesia, and sedation can be applied depending on the patient’s preference. The gum around the tooth is cut to expose the necessary surface of the tooth. In some cases, bone tissue may also be removed. Then, the gums are reshaped according to the new contour and are stitched in place.

The healing process typically takes 1-2 weeks. During the first few days, your doctor may prescribe a painkiller. Maintaining good oral hygiene during this time is crucial to prevent infection. The treated gums should not be brushed, and soft foods should be preferred.

Post Crown Lengthening Treatment

Crown lengthening creates a balanced smile in terms of aesthetics and is an important procedure to provide enough tooth structure for restorations. It is generally a permanent procedure. In rare cases, gum tissue may grow back. The primary reason for regrowth is poor oral hygiene and the resulting gum problems. In such cases, a repeat procedure may be necessary. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, the gums remain healthy for many years after crown lengthening.